These audio CDs include all the songs and stories from the Pupils Book, helping young learners to use the language they have learned in a fun, no-pressure context.Well-loved by children and teachers the world over, Kids Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your pupils. Perfect for general use, the course also fully covers the syllabus of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests, preparing your students better than ever for success at Starters, Movers and Flyers. The new edition offers enhanced digital support including a new Digital Classroom Pack with interactive whiteboard tools, interactive Pupils and Activity Books, extra teachers resources and online teacher training. The online platform includes games and extra activities for every unit, and all the students online work can be tracked and reviewed by the teacher.
angielski dla seniorów 60, szkoła w górze kalwarii, biologia gimnazjum powtórzenie do egzaminu, asp cieszyn, ustawienia figur w szachach, kangur matematyczny poznań, międzykierunkowe studia ekonomiczno menedżerskie