Practise English with Ladybird Readers, a series of Graded Readers for young learners of English as a foreign or second language. Designed for children aged 3-11, this list offers traditional tales, modern stories, non-fiction and favourite characters for every young reader.The Beginner level helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases, such as hello and thank you, and focuses on vocabulary that young children can use in daily life. Simple text and repetition support understanding, and speaking and listening activities develop confidence.It is New Year in China!
termin egzaminu ósmoklasisty 2021, egzamin c1 angielski cena, egzamin 8 klasisty 2021 ile trwa, sp nr 38 częstochowa, czytanie ze zrozumieniem język angielski klasa 4, praca po sinologii, życzenia bożonarodzeniowe dla nauczycieli, fizyka 1 zakres podstawowy