Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers



This is a beautiful board book, with over 60 flaps. It provides friendly, charming answers to challenging questions that young children love to ask. Bold, question word headings (Who? Why? Where? etc.) bring together an eclectic mix of subject areas, making it the perfect book to dip into. The illustrations are both entertaining and informative, and the text is written simply and clearly, with an added touch of humour. Inquisitive kids and puzzled parents alike will love Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers –; If youve ever scratched your head, furrowed your brow, stroked your chin, or said „lets Google it” in response to your young ones query, let Questions and Answers take the brain strain and relax in the knowledge youre never too old for a fascinating fact – Parents in Touch; A good way to intrigue children and to get them guessing even before they lift the flap… the illustrations are both entertaining and informative, and the text is written simply and clearly, with an added touch of humour. This is the age when children are constantly questioning – capitalise on it by getting them a copy of this super book – Parents in Touch

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